Thursday, January 22, 2009

Martin Luther King Performance

Today was special!  After much practice and hard work the fifth grade performed their choral reading in honor of Martin Luther King.  They did a marvelous job.  The eyes of all the third through fourth grade students were on them as they read and sang.  I was very proud of each and every one of them. 
This evening at 6:30 a large group of students performed again for parents, friends and other family members.  Their voices were fine and strong, and the performance brought a tear to many an eye.  I hope you enjoy the photos.  I also hope you will take a some time to talk to your child about what they have learned regarding the civil rights movement.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Science in Room 6 has been fun this week!  On Monday we made a scale model of the solar system using ourselves.  It is impressive to see how far apart the outer planets are.  Poor Carlo was practically out of sight.  Can you guess which planet he was?  
Then today our student teacher, Ms. Coddington, led students in an experiment designed to help students learn how craters form on the moon.  It was fun and it smelled like cookies!  Students measured marbles and then measured the craters they made on the moon's surface.  The moon's surface happened to be flour covered with cinnamon.  Yum!  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I thought the kids did a great job on their posters.  They were amazed when I showed them photos comparing the size of the sun and all of the planets.  If you would like to see them too, try this web site:

Comparing the size of the sun and the earth...

...can be fun!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Welcome back room 6!  I love the first week of January.  It seems that magic happens over the winter break.  Every one of my fifth graders comes back rested, ready to learn and newly focused on their academics.  It's true!

This week in math we tackled multiplying decimals and began our review program, Mountain Math.  I have been very impressed with our progress and I am pleased to say that this group of students has learned the procedure for decimal multiplication in record time.  Give them a big pat on the back.

Science has been fun this week!  We are reading about our solar system in the science textbook.  Pairs of students also made posters comparing the relative size of our earth to the sun.  I will post pictures soon on that.

Lastly, our entire fifth grade is practicing a choral reading about Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement.  We will present it on the evening of Tuesday, January 22nd for friends and family in the Dow's Prairie gym.  I hope we see you there!    Mrs. B