Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are YOU a scholar?

Can you identify the two bright objects in the sky close to the crescent moon?  This photo was taken last night just at sunset.

During the week the classes rotated from room to room each afternoon.  In Room 6 we did a directed draw of the Mayflower.  It was a great way to review what students had learned.  In Room 7 everyone watched the movie about Squanto and wrote a summary of his life.  He is credited with teaching the Pilgrims skills that helped them to create the very harvest they were thankful for on that first Thanksgiving.  In Room 24 each student wrote a poem of thankfulness.  It was a wonderful week!

Giving Thanks

The week before Thanksgiving the whole fifth grade class spent some time exploring the reasons why we have this holiday.  On Monday all of the fifth graders crowded in to Room 24.  It was packed!  It was also hot, stuffy, smelly and stifling.  Having about 75 students in that little space was somewhat like the conditions facing the Pilgrims on the Mayflower.  Mr. C gave a great talk on life aboard the ship and how long the travelers lived under those conditions.  Later, students filled out an information page and did a reflection on the journey of the Mayflower.  It was a kick off for a week of lessons centered around this piece of history.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wolf Creek was the BEST!

Fun and games!

We played cards...


Our final evening began with each cabin sharing a skit with the group.  The skits helped us learn about each cabin mascot.  They were Murrelet, Wapiti, and Sea Lion.


At Prairie Creek we all learned what it takes to have a healthy habitat.  Students looked for food, shelter, shade to keep the water cool, and clear water.  They checked for pH level and they even measured the oxygen in the water.  What did we find?  Is this creek healthy?  Yes! 

Water Cycle Tai Chi

Have you ever seen the Water Cycle Tai Chi?  It is something else!  What a super way to learn about the water cycle.  If you ask your Wolf Creek camper they will happily show you how it is done.