Monday, April 20, 2009

Pogoball Contest

Today was the Pogoball Contest! At lunchtime kids competed to see how many times they could bounce on the Pogoball. Last year the winner jumped about 800 times. But this year, oh my goodness! Jordan jumped 3,571 times. Connor, (our Connor!) jumped an incredible 5,666 times. All I can say is WOW!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is what we did in class on Tuesday afternoon. While students painted their bio models the class did a review of the events leading up to the American Revolution. the assignment was to summarize each event using the facts they found in their supplemental social studies books.

Wow! I was absolutely impressed. Each student was focused and on-task. It was a pleasure to see fifth graders working so well and so independently. They should be very proud of themselves.

Biography Project - Phase Three

Hey! It's model time! One of the best parts of our Biography Project is the model of the subject. These have been made in school and now they are going home. They need to be dressed to portray the subject doing something they would have done in real life. Each one needs to be "freestanding" and on a platform. The platform can be a simple wooden stand or a decorated box. Each model needs to be labeled with the name of the subject and the student who made it. This is a fun project and I hope you enjoy it. Please send them back to class by May 11th but not before May 9th. Enjoy! Mrs. B

Biography Project - Phase