Friday, October 3, 2008


Exploration day was a huge success! I was absolutely thrilled to see all of our students asking questions and trying out new activities. The rain did not slow them down one bit! Personally, I spent the day in Room 7 making pasta with Mrs. C. YUM! It was a great day for me. Amazingly enough the rain stopped and the Coast Guard helicopter landed. What a thrill.

I noticed many parents exploring with their children. That was so nice to see. All of our presenters were absolutely wonderful and every student that I saw was excited about the many things they learned. A HUGE thank you to the two hard working teachers who made it all happen. Kudos to you!. Also, the fifth grade helpers were greatly appreciated.

All in all, a perfect day!


Anonymous said...

Big Thank yous to the Room 6 docents for their help with the presenters on Exploration Day!!
Austin, Courtney, Mathew, Mary

Anonymous said...

i like the butter flies on the faces.

Anonymous said...

those kids on the boat look like they're having so much fun.rock on room 6!!!